A Pleasant Solution: Embracing an Organized Life
A Pleasant Solution: Embracing an Organized Life
91 | Being Brave
In our latest episode, we explore the intricacies of bravery, moving beyond the traditional hero archetype to uncover the everyday courage that exists within all of us. Bravery is often portrayed as the domain of superheroes and fearless leaders, but what if it's something much more accessible? What if it's about simply choosing to face each day with determination, despite the challenges that lie ahead?
Bravery isn't always loud. Sometimes, it's the quiet resolve to face each day. Whether it's decluttering your home, setting personal boundaries, or making significant lifestyle changes, this episode celebrates that which lies in the small, persistent acts of daily life.
Join in as we acknowledge the messy, uncelebrated bravery that exists all around us and within us. You are braver than you think, and it's time to give yourself the credit you deserve.
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Intro: Welcome to A Pleasant Solution, Embracing An Organized Life. I'm your host, certified life coach, professional organizer, and home life expert, Amelia Pleasant Kennedy and I help folks permanently eliminate clutter in their homes and lives. On this podcast will go beyond the basics of home organization to talk about why a clutter-free mindset is essential to an aligned and sustainable lifestyle. If you're someone with a to-do list, if you're managing a household and if you're caring for others, this podcast is for you. Let's dive in.
Amelia: Welcome to Episode 91, “Being Brave.” Hey y’all! Last week I mentioned that these two episodes would be short. Even though life is happening outside of business for me right now, I want to share my thoughts and connect with you. Last week I touched on vulnerability. Vulnerability, in my opinion, is the precursor to being brave. It’s almost as if being brave starts by knowing the limits of what you can control and by knowing that there’s always a chance that things could go a little off track. You take several deep breaths, and you move ahead anyway.
That’s how I feel about my mother’s transition into memory care. From the moment 5 years ago that we began on this pathway, I knew this intersection was ahead. A big part of me thought that there would be signs indicating we were approaching the memory care intersection – that someone (a professional, perhaps) would say, “in 3 months it will be time.” Yet, as with many things in life, that’s not how our story goes.
Each of us is called upon in different ways to be brave, yet I don’t often think we take the time to acknowledge how messy it can often look. The hero archetype suggests that someone who is brave steps into the role with purpose and conviction. They push through obstacles, no matter what. They approach their villain wearing their inner strength on the outside. The resolution often involves a majority of the obstacle being overcome and with many of the puzzle pieces being better understood or put back together.
But what if being brave had less to do with this stereotypical approach and instead was more about deciding to get up and start doing the hard thing day after day? What if being brave was about no longer waiting for those external road signs indicating that the intersection of change was ahead? Unfortunately, this model often doesn’t come with fanfare or a tidy resolution.
This type of bravery is more relatable, and it exists all around us. Today, I’m inviting you to give yourself credit for how it shows up in your life. You’re more organized than you think. For example, perhaps you’re one of the folks who’s decided our culture of drinking has reached an excess and decided to cut back. Perhaps you’re someone who’s been brave enough to dedicate a year or more to decluttering pile by pile, drawer by drawer. To call for the dumpster rather than worry what your neighbors will think. Perhaps you’re someone who’s repeatedly revisited hard conversations in order to build better personal boundaries. To persist when running your small business feels like a daily struggle. Or maybe you’re advocating for and caring for someone living with a disability. Perhaps you’re beginning to think about leaving an unhealthy partnership, considering curbing your shopping for status habits, or thinking through any number of other radical lifestyle changes.
What I do know is that you are either being brave right now, or you’re one decision away from being brave. This deserves acknowledgement. You deserve credit. I’m giving it to you and invite you to give it to yourself. Living life, caring for others, managing a home, and making it work is hard. And by choosing to do it day in and day out, you too are being brave. Talk to y’all soon.
Outro: If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast and want to stay up to date on what’s happening each month in A Pleasant Solution, I invite you to join my email community. I share relatable stories, post upcoming events, and offer a weekly mini solution. Click on the resource in the show notes or visit apleasantsolution.com to learn more.